Business Contracts
When you enter into a business relationship with another party, it is essential to keep in mind that this agreement is not just binding at the outset of your collaboration, but is binding to the end. The stipulations you agree to in that original contract will stay with you and your company when the profits start to come in, when other partnerships come into play, and if and when you decide to sell your company. Before signing an agreement for any type of business transaction, consulting with a business contract attorney ensures your personal and professional interests are upheld.

Our business contract services include:
- Vendor/service agreements
- Consulting agreements
- Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreements
- Licensing agreements
- Website Terms of Use & Privacy Policies
- Partnership Agreements (Shareholders’ agreements, Operating agreements, Joint Venture agreements)
When it comes to forming commercial agreements with other parties, whether they are clients, vendors, or business partners, you don’t want to leave anything out. Ensuring all contracts cover any legal issue that might arise is one of your greatest defenses against legal issues. Your experienced business contract attorney will create iron-clad contracts and find any missing parts of business agreements, ensuring you are completely covered.
Fall 2024 Cobbe Law Newsletter
Supreme Court decision reshapes corporate bankruptcy strategies The U.S. Supreme Court has altered the landscape of corporate bankruptcy strategies, particularly those involving mass tort liabilities. The June ruling in Harrington v. Purdue Pharma L.P. has...
Independent Contractors: What you Need to Know
Companies, especially when they are starting out and beginning to grow, like the staffing flexibility independent contractors can bring to their business. You can hire contractors for short term or long term needs and they don’t require employee benefits or tax...
5 Reasons You Should Have a Terms of Service Policy on Your Website
Have you considered a Terms of Service policy? If not, here are 5 reasons why you should definitely include one on your website. 1. Maintain the Ability to Control the Use of Your Site A Terms of Service agreement is a legally binding contract between you and your...
Keeping Competitors Out of Your Retail Space
Most stores that lease space in a mall or other commercial area would like a guarantee that the landlord won’t also rent to a competing business. This guarantee is known as “exclusive use,” and you can negotiate for it in a lease. If you’re negotiating a right to...
"I am excited to be part of your professional goals, and to watch your business grow."