Have you considered a Terms of Service policy? If not, here are 5 reasons why you should definitely include one on your website.
1. Maintain the Ability to Control the Use of Your Site
A Terms of Service agreement is a legally binding contract between you and your users. It sets the rules and guidelines that users must agree to and follow in order to use and access your website or mobile app.
2. Remind Users that You Own Your Content
As the website owner, you are the owner of your logo and content on your website. With your Terms of Service agreement, you can tell people just that and let them know that it is protected by copyright laws.
3. Terminate Accounts
Tell people that if they abuse the accounts, they will be terminated from using the site.
4. Limit Your Liability
You can limit your liability and tell users that you can’t be held responsible for any errors in the content presented, or for the information provided being accurate, complete, or suitable for any purpose.
5. Set The Governing Law
Through your Terms of Service Agreement, you can let people know where they will have to resolve disputes. For example, if you are a Florida based company, you can establish Florida as the venue and governing law in a lawsuit.
Overall, Terms of Use agreements allow you to set the expectations for the users of your site. Please feel free to contact Cobbe Law with any questions about this matter or any of your other business needs.