You are getting ready to open for business. You have picked a name and designed a logo that exactly represents your brand. However, trademark registration isn’t at the forefront of your business strategy. Instead, you are deciding to wait until you are out of the start-up phase to register your marks. This decision could be risky because while you are working hard to build and maintain a valuable brand, someone else may have the legal rights to stop you from using your marks.
By registering a trademark, it gives you the exclusive right to use that mark. And when you receive trademark registration, it gives you the right to go to federal court, if necessary, to block others from trying to make money off your brand name for the same or similar products or services.
So, the lesson is that even if you started branding your business first, if another business owner included trademark registration as part of their initial business plan, they may be able to stop you from continuing to use your marks. Because of this, businesses should prioritize trademark registration for their brands or company name because the potential consequences of failing to timely register a trademark can be severe.
Cobbe Law is experienced in helping you evaluate and protect your brand. We are happy to assist with your trademark applications and any questions you may have about the process.